Interestingly enough, I still have my baby teeth first molars on top...and, yes, I am a bit older than 9-11 years. Apparently I never had any permanent teeth to push those two out, so now I am in the position that at any time the (barely there, as I'm constantly reminded by dentists) roots could lose their tenuous grip and I'll be stuck having to dole out some serious $$$. I remember about 10-11 years ago my dentist told me that if I was lucky, I had maybe another 10 years before the baby molars fell out. Great. Just as Kaylee's getting her first molars, I may finally be losing mine. I hope not, though!!
That's a really cool diagram. I realized I mistakenly put Elena's first molars in her baby book as her second molars. Guess I need to pick up some white-out! She's getting her bottom canines, so only about six more teeth to come after the canines.
So what would they do if you do lose your baby molars and don't have any permanent teeth up there to replace them with? Implants? Here's hoping you never need to find out (and stay away from the popcorn kernels).
There are a few options (partial denture, bridge or implant), but I would probably go with the implants. They put a screw into the jaw bone then attach the implant to that. Doesn't sound like the most fun I can imagine, but better than a bridge. I doubt they'll hang in there forever, but I'll keep them as long as I can!!
PS - Kaylee's baby book already has tons of white out! The roll-on strip kind is my favorite. :)
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