Saturday, November 8, 2008

TN Fun

We made it to TN without any meltdowns - Kaylee or otherwise. :-D She was great; slept for quite a bit of the drive. If we'd driven straight through with no stops it probably would have taken us about 3 hours, but with a gas fillup/diaper change stop, a bathroom stop for us and another diaper change stop, it took just over 4 hours. Not bad - we were figuring maybe 5. We've taken some photos (of course), but I doubt I'll upload any until we get home, since I'm just using Jamie's laptop to check email and post here.

Today we rode the tram up to Ober Gatlinburg where we walked around a little and had lunch, then we briefly walked around Gatlinburg, but had to get back because of sleepy and hungry babies. Tomorrow we're taking Kaylee to the Aquarium; hopefully she will enjoy it - I know quite a few friends who've taken their little ones to aquariums and all have said the babes loved looking at the fish, as well as people-watching (Kaylee does love people-watching!!).

Time for bed, so signing off...more soon, with pics in a few days!

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