Kaylee is 8 months old! Seems like the time has flown by, but I also can't seem to remember what things were like without her around! I guess we got out of the house more? Though staying in and watching her grow up has been quite entertaining and fulfilling in and of itself; I must say I haven't really missed watching movies that much!
We finally got the professional portrait taken at Kaylee's church dedication...
We finally got the professional portrait taken at Kaylee's church dedication...
We had to lower Kaylee's crib...again...she's now pulling up on anything she can get her hands on, and I walked in to see her standing up in her crib today, waiting for me to rescue her. It would have taken some REAL effort on her part to get out of the crib at this point, but we went ahead and lowered the mattress today rather than waiting until we absolutely had to. Hopefully she won't be climbing out any time too soon!
Maybe watching her pal Erin is helping motivate Kaylee to do more, sooner. Erin's 8 months older than Kaylee and walking and Kaylee basically crawls after her all day on the days they're together (usually twice/week). Very cute, but I think she gets frustrated that she's not able to keep up and do everything Erin can. Soon enough!! Slow down with the growing up so fast!
Kaylee is also a little sponge! She knows quite a few words...
**Puffs = Gerber Puffs/a baby finger food; she LOVES them
**Bee = a stuffed bee on a string in a hive that's hanging from her closet doorknob; pull the bee and it plays a lullaby
**Shadow = our cat's name
**Tigger = a little stuffed Tigger toy (not our other cat, sorry Tig)
**Smacky = her stuffed giraffe
**Baby Kaylee = a photo collage of her in her playroom
**Splish Splash = splashing in the tub (if we say it, she slaps the water and it gets on everything)
Hmm. I think she either knows or is learning "Erin" and "Dada" and maybe "Mama." I know there are more words she responds to, but I can't think of them. Oh, we have flashcards and she can pick out the baby and teddy bear cards (except that they've been put away for a week now...oops).
I can't think of anything else for this post; more photos after Thanksgiving, I'm sure - hope everyone has a happy holiday week/weekend!
Too cute! We got your Christmas card yesterday. I love the dress. Your letter was wonderful. And she did so well in her pictures! We've been debating whether or not to take Elena to see Santa this year. I was thinking we'd cruise by him in the mall and see if she seems interested or not.
Luckily we didn't have to wait in a long line for Santa; I think it was about 5 minutes between when we walked up and had her in his lap, so that probably helped. Plus we sat with her first, so maybe that helped her not fuss? You'll have to post photos if Elena will sit with Santa!!
I got that dress for $5 at a consignment shop near us - and it looks brand new! I love that store; have gotten quite a few cute dresses there for anywhere from $3-5, instead of probably $25+ each.
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