Monday, August 15, 2011

Bud's 1/2 Birthday

Andy is 6 months old today! A friend took some photos of him, Kaylee and some family shots on Saturday morning; we've seen a few but not all yet. Unfortunately Andy had woken early from his morning nap, so by the time we met her for photos he was not in the mood to smile much. I think she still got some good ones; we should see the rest within the week.

Yesterday I set up a "studio" in our garage using a curtain hung from the garage door rail and some comforters piled up on the floor (now freshly washed and back on the beds!). With the garage door open, it let in some really good light and I think I got some good shots, if I do say so myself. Playing around with them a little in Photoshop helped even more. I took most of the photos with just Andy while Kaylee napped, then she came out for a few at the end, but Andy was wearing down by then. Here are some of the best from yesterday; check back again soon for Saturday's!

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