Thursday, October 28, 2010

Potty Update 2

I know what some of you are thinking, "another bathroom update?" Hey, it's what's happening in Kaylee-land. Check back after the weekend for Halloween posts and pictures. At least I'm not posting pics of the potty stuff!!

Kaylee's had 48+ hours of dry diapers, Pull-Ups and panties, including at school, for naps and 2 overnights in a row! She wakes up in the morning and tells us, "I was holding it! I have a dry diaper!" Yesterday she even told me she had to go poop in the potty and did. I hope that catches on as quick as the rest.


Anonymous said...

You started at exactly the right time for potty training! Too soon and it's a battle. Now she has control and can be very proud of herself instead of feeling bad with "accidents." Great job, Mommy!

kipacha said...
