Here's our little bookworm! We start most mornings with story time - quite often before breakfast! - and read to her (and she "reads" on her own) all throughout the day. She also loves playing in diaper boxes; I guess she's glad we buy in bulk. :)

Helping unload clean dishes (and helping dirty others):

Wearing her matching hat and swimsuit for the first time together! Completely coincidental, as she got the hat as a gift, and I bought the swimsuit not thinking about the hat. Super cute combo, though!

Cute outfits! I'm a fan of the Pampers Baby Dry diapers myself (not for me, for Elena :-).
How do you get her to keep the hats on? Is she just used to wearing them? I tried to get Elena to wear one at the beach, and she won't let me even put them on her head anymore. She kept taking my hat off and didn't want me to wear a hat either.
We'd been using swaddlers, then cruisers, but the baby dry seem to work just as well and are cheaper than cruisers! Yay for a few pennies saved. :)
Kaylee has pretty much always been good about keeping hats on, and since 11 months or so has actually asked for them herself, then wears them for quite a while. We have a coat rack by the front door - right at the bottom of our steps - and when we come down in the morning she often says hat "haa" and points to the coat rack where all her hats are hanging (12 or so hats!). She then proceeds to tell us which one to get for her...as in - "this one?" "uh-uh" "this one?" "uh-uh" "this one?" "eehehhee" - she says yes by laughing. :) She also loves shoes and has tons. Thank goodness for hats and shoes at consignment!!
Oh - she has been trying to take her sun hat OFF lately, though (the yellow w/pink flowers) at the pool, so we're having to put sunscreen on her head more often. Sticky mess! :)
Have you retried the swim sweater - putting it on feet first? Can you believe I lost the one we were borrowing?? Argh. It may be in the house somewhere, but I cannot find it - the last thing I remember is putting it on the deck to dry out a bit, but that was Tuesday and I don't remember bringing it in, so the recent storms might have blown it away. So I ordered two more - one to keep and one to give the neighbor as a replacement. Maybe the other will still turn up, though...
Bummer, that's too bad. No, she still won't try on the swim sweater. I've tried a few times to let her step into it, and she fights it every time. She won't even step into the circle.
Yes, the sunscreen is a mess on the hair. With Elena, I sprayed her part (especially when we were in Phoenix last week) because I didn't want her scalp to burn. I think it took three days to fully wash it out. I have a "California Baby" sunscreen stick that I used on her part one day, and that wasn't as bad. But I figure a few days of greasy hair is much better than a burned scalp.
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