Who needs water? Here's Kaylee - kicking her feet up with her ipod in the car float, and rolling out of her pool...in the dining room! I was going to put it outside with water, but she was having such fun inside, I figured it was easier cleanup...

But we have taken her to the pool! She enjoys climbing in and out on the steps. Not sure what was going on in the last picture, but I thought it was cute, and love the dress (thanks, Auntie Cheriene!!)

The next three photos were taken while we were listening to a Kindermusik CD - she was dancing and clapping along, but then when the music would stop in between songs (or sometimes just when the singing stopped within a song), she would say, "uh-oh! uh-oh! uh-oh!" and throw her hands up like she was saying, "uh-oh, what happened?" (I say/do that, so I think that's where she got it.) I'm not sure exactly what she was doing in the middle picture - looks like she's hiding something behind her back ("what? huh? I don't have anything!"), but she was just being silly putting her hands back there then would pull them out and say uh-oh again.

One of Kaylee's new things is to stick out her tongue, but she scrunches up her face when she does it...looks a bit crazy. :) Kaylee also likes ketchup. I gave it to her with some hot dog chunks, but she scooted those aside as soon as the ketchup was there and just scooped it up and ate that. I just noticed that it looks like she left a fingerpainted ketchup face on the tray.

Last Saturday we went to my grandparents' house for lunch, and my cousin Jason, his wife Kimberly and their 2.5 year old son Ryker (below with Kaylee) also came, too. They had fun playing with cars and monster trucks for a while.

This is a painting I did for Kaylee's room. I did one each for two sets of friends last week as baby gifts (one for a boy, one for a girl) and I liked the way Kendall's turned out so much that I did the same thing for Kaylee. I actually wanted to do the same colors for Kaylee, but it wouldn't really have gone with her green, yellow, white and black color scheme, so I changed it...

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