Tuesday, August 25, 2009

17 months!

I was just going to update yesterday's post, but figured I might as well add a new one. What the heck? I forgot to mention that Kaylee is now tall enough to push the water and ice dispensers on our refrigerator; luckily we can lock these, but I forgot yesterday and she was very excited about having a half-wet shirt from running water all down her arm and onto herself (and the fridge and floor). She can also grab our doorknobs and pull doors closed now. We have some of the childproof (we'll see!) doorknob covers and it looks like we may have to start using them soon - I figure it's not long now before she can turn and push/pull doors open, too! Jamie hates those covers, as he does not fail to mention every time he talks about them.

That's all I can think of for now, except that as I was copying photos/videos over last night, I realized there are quite a few videos I had planned to post, but hadn't. So there may be quite a few on here in the next week or so. We'll see if I find the time to convert them soon!

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